Friday, March 14, 2008


The Mcdonald's at East Coast Parkway boosts much convenience for a quick weekday morning breakfast; it is of close proximity to Dad's office (and even my former school TKGS) and parking spaces were abundant.

Latte ($3.90)

Fluffy ($1.55)

The next good thing is how their pricings scale down to below the average coffee chain level. A cute steamed milk here only costs $1.55 and you can grab a sandwich at $3.60- those numericals you can't find at Coffee Bean.

Maybe that's why their scrimping and saving whenever as possible. The staff missed on my marshmallows until i went up to enquire- then he compensated me with 3. Loved the chocolate-sugar powder coating too!

Vanilla Chocolate Twist ($2.50)

Triple Decker ($3.60)

Dad grabbed a puff pastry off the shelve, baked with a custard middle and lacings of chocolate chips.

I decided to hit substantiality with their triple decked wholemeal toast, components of sliced tomatoes, ham and rich cheddar cheese pressed in between. The combination made the cut but the bread was too flat and insufficiently grilled.

1000 East Coast Parkway
Marine Cove

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